
From Dream to Action

I attended the Wolfram syndrome clinic and workshop. Patients with Wolfram syndrome develop juvenile-onset diabetes and neurodegenaration. I gave a lecture and could connect with people with the same cause. I was inspired and encouraged by all the participants because of the following reasons.

1. From Dream to Action
All the patients, their families and doctors share the same cause, which is to find a cure for the disease. All of us have the same dream. More importantly, all of us are actively taking action to make the dream come true. I have been impressed by Stephanie and Beth who are mothers of Wolfram patients. I was also encouraged by Kip Branch, a head of the Wolfram syndrome patients' association.

2. Strong supporting team
We have great supporters who work very hard to raise awareness of the disease and money for our research.

3. Strong leadership
We have a strong leader, Dr. Alan Permutt.

Thank you everyone! 

For Japanese audience.

1. From Dream to Action

2. 素晴らしいサポートグループ
私達は、この病気を世の中に知ってもらうため、治療法の開発のために、寄付をし、また寄付をつのる、素晴らしいグループに支えられています。元メジャーリーグベースボールプレイヤーのJ.T. Snow選手の役割は非常に大きいです。すでに、多額のお金をプールしています。現在、Foxテレビ、ドキュメンタリー映画の会社が私達の活動のドキュメンタリーを作成しています。

3. リーダーの存在
私達をまとめあげる素晴らしいリーダーの存在です。Alan Permutt先生からは、8年間に渡って、様々なアドバイスを受けています。

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